In today's fast paced society of change, of struggling to keep up and ahead, life can be lonely and tiring. We believe that religion, faith, worship, Christian Fellowship, and service bring meaning and purpose to life. The church of Jesus Christ, locally and worldwide, is called by Christ to be a place where YOU CAN BELONG to a family of loving, caring people. Calvary Church is a local, caring congregation of the United Church of Christ.
Our church activities are many to include and interest people of all ages. Calvary's entire facility is handicapped accessible, and our Christian Education programs include Sunday School for all ages and Summer Vacation Bible School.
Calvary's outreach programs are both local and worldwide. Our worship is a time of joy, prayer, praise, and Bible study. An important part of this worship is the use of music to help express our faith.
If you are seeking a caring, growing church to renew and refresh you, please give us an opportunity to be your "Friends in Christ" at Calvary United Church of Christ. We anxiously await the warmth and blessing of your presence in worship, study, service, and fellowship. God loves us, Jesus loves us and shows us how to love one another. Through the church of Jesus Christ we come to understand all this in a personal, growing and rewarding way.